What color is a yam?
Had I been asked that the other day, I would have said brown-ish on the outside, orange-ish on the inside. But I took a trip to 99 Ranch Market on Saturday, which is like traveling to a different country while staying within one's own city...totally and completely delightful...and was so excited to find a purple yam. On the outside, it looks just like what I consider to be a "normal" yam. Emphasis on the quotation marks. On the inside, it is an extravagant shade of purple. Absolutely beautiful! Yams can be purple. I wonder what other colors they are! It seems like we can go many ways when our pre-conceived notions about something are shattered - excitement, surprise, expansion, defeat, despair, disappointment. I suppose it depends upon the situation, but in any case, our attitude is always our choice. In this case, some life lessons showed up in the simple and safe form of a vegetable, that I believe can be applied to the larger picture. What is the underlying message here? A few of my thoughts. Perhaps you have others: - If we make assumptions that we are always right, that our pre-conceived notions, or default settings about things are true and set in stone (ex: all yams are orange), we can miss out on much of the beauty that this world has to offer. - If we are not willing to take the risk and step out into the world of the unknown (ex: a purple yam???), we may be missing out on wonderful opportunites. - If we judge something by it's "color", or only stick with a certain "color", then we could be missing out on healthy experiences that expand our minds, and in my example, taste buds. Back to the literal - I shredded my purple yam, mixed it with an egg, some flour, garlic, salt, and pepper, and fried it up in a pan with oil, as a big ol' potato pancake-like formation. Highly recommended... Life has many surprises, be open to them...
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On this fine day of January 24, 2011, I am committing to posting a blog at least once per week for the month of February. Start with a small goal, and grow from there.
I have been thinking about this all week. Someone asked me last week about my online presence, and I admitted to be very timid about being online. Why? Because I paralyze myself with fear; fear of what people will think of me, fear of writing something dumb, fear of not being accepted, etc... I start thinking too much about what I want to write on a blog. Something creeps in, and I allow it to, and there's this noise about how my writing should be "good" and "impactful"; "earth shattering, preferably" but then the self-negating pendulum starts swinging in the other direction, "but don't go too deep, sometimes people don't understand what you're talking about." It's like a furry little monster with a soft, but whiny voice that starts invading my personal space gradually, asking "what if people don't like what you write, what if they disagree with you, what if you write something, and your mind changes years down the road, and you're embarrassed that you wrote that, what if people think you're crazy or stupid, what if it doesn't appeal to everyone, what if it doesn't appeal to anyone, what if someone is offended by what you write, what if you start this blog and then you don't like it, what if..." "Um - hello? Hi, I'm Katie. I normally try not to interrupt someone when they are talking, but you are driving me crazy. It's nice that you have good intentions regarding my "safety" and all, but quite frankly, I'm bored with all of your over-analyzing nonsense. Real fear is valuable when it is kicking in to warn me about real danger. I'd like to point out that "writing a blog" and "being me" and "writing what I want to write" and "sharing who I really am" is not inherently dangerous. So while I appreciate your input, I currently have no use for it, and I'm going to have to ask you to leave." As it turns to leave, it looks back over its shoulder, "You know, people are going to think you're nuts for talking to me like this." Me: "That's fine. I'm willing to take that risk. I have a feeling that they have similar conversations with you anyway. Goodbye." Fear: "I'll be back." Me: "I know. I'll be here. I will likely ask you to leave a bit earlier next time." So with that, I am committing to be me on this blog... to share my thoughts as they are without trying to impress, or please others. And without censoring my neuroses, because we're all human after all. Call me crazy or weird if you want to, but be prepared to realize over and over again that what you judge in other people is a reflection of what you dislike in yourself. I feel like I face that everyday for the first time. Ah, the human condition! I commit to sharing what I find interesting about the world and life (which gives me a limitless amount of ammunition!), and will not be worrying about expectations from others. Ok, maybe I will worry about them, but I won't allow those expectations to influence my decisions. We all have something to say, we all have stories to tell. Whatever they are, they are important and valid. A dear friend of mine sent this quote to me today...I pass it on to you and encourage you in your journeys wherever you may be today... “There is a beauty in your presence. Show who you are.” Me: "Ok, I will try my very best!" |
AuthorI love words. I love art. I love the combination of words and art... Archives
October 2011